

Address: Goodman Arts Center, 90 Goodman Road, Blk B, #04-08
Time: 6-9pm, second sat of the month.

The life drawing session will be held every second Saturday of the month, 6-9pm. It will be clothed figure drawing and the poses will last from 2 mins to 40 mins long poses.

I will usually decide the dates for 3 month's sessions in a row. We need at least 10 people to sign up for a session before it can start. If there is not enough people signing for a session, the session will be canceled.

To register, send me a facebook message or email me (mydrakoneo at with your name and a valid email (I will share a link to a google documents where I record down what days u registered for)

The price will be $15 per session and the payment can be done in cash on the day itself.